Crafting An Essay On Whether Happiness Is Proportional To Income

Crafting an essay on whether happiness is proportional to income is actually depends on the individual who is writing. The level of happiness depends solely on an individual’s satisfaction level. While writing you will need to understand the relationship between money and happiness and why people continue to desire more and more even though their happiness is met at one level. What you have to understand is the psychology behind it; there are many websites available where you can find valuable resources.

The first thing you will have to do is to ensure that you have proper internet connection. If you still want some more ideas then you can opt for television and radio that often provide programmes on topical issues that could be of use. Furthermore, you can talk to your family, friends and others about it to gain different perspective on the topic.

Understanding the topic and collecting material according to it

While searching for resources it is important to understand the topic itself. Start by asking few questions such as is this topic a good one? Will you be able to provide all the information? How will you collect all the information needed? And lastly, from where can you collect them. To write on any topic relevant information is needed as it is not that easy to sift through huge pile of books. The best place to jot down information is internet where you can just type and search for information on any relevant website.

Few tips to write properly from start to end

To get your reader involved there are many ways to start an essay. However there must be a pattern here are few helpful tips to do it:

  • Introduction: It is the first thing that you have to provide while writing that should contain some comment on the topic such as definitions, why are you dealing with the topic and explanation on what you understand by the title.
  • Body: This is the part where you have to develop your writing further with illustrations and examples. The body should also structure your writing in a way that supports your argument whether negative or positive. You have to follow a clear path that lead to a conclusion as this is the part where most of the writers make mistakes.
  • Conclusion: This should contain the main views and ideas of the writer. Here you have to provide answers to the questions or may provide a question on future trends on this issue that may be worthy of considerations.

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