4 Places To Find Free Short Essays For University Students

A good essay can be an awesome resource especially when you’ve just begun writing at a college level and need help figuring out the formats and expectations. Here are a few good places where you can start your search to get the best possible results in the shortest space of time:

The library

Libraries have been ignored by many students over the past few decades. Some have even been forced to close as a result of the increased internet usage and the ability to fit most or all of their contents on the average phone or ebook reader. Still libraries tend to contain a few resources that may only be available in hard copy still and are therefore not online yet. Consider going to the library to look for essays that may not have been put online due to restrictions on their ownership and other similar reasons. Make sure the librarian knows that you need short ones so that you don’t find yourself burdened with hundred page tomes.

The internet

The web is still a great place to look for all types of information. If you can find millions of results in seconds you should be ready to discard more than half of them just based on quality issues and another hundred thousand or so because they are not formatted in a way that may suit you. Unfortunately, some of the better ones may not be available to you in complete form because they are part of a database for which you need paid membership.

Paid content providers

Unlike the databases that collect academic writing and allow membership for a fee, these sites sell content that they custom make for students. What you can gain from them is access to their free sample section. It may not contain every type of essay you can imagine but it will be helpful to you to skim through what’s there. The quality should also be superb because this is a marketing technique they use to convince you to buy from them.

Your classmates

If you can go through the above methods along with other people in your class and then batch together your results you will find that as a group you have amassed many more samples than each of you could have alone.

A short essay is easier to read quickly an learn from but try not to underestimate what you can learn from a full length sample either.

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